A Church With a

Mission to Make

Disciples who


Welcome and thank you for taking the time to visit us.
We are a Church family that seeks to live for Jesus Christ and share His Love with a broken and hurting world. As members of the Lord’s Family, he has called us to love Him with everything we are and to share His love with those around us. Our hope is that you will find and experience God in our midst. We have designed this website to answer some of your questions and help you understand better who we are. It will help you get to know what we believe and do and how you can get involved. In case you still have questions not answered here, we request you to go to the contact page and choose your preferred way of getting in touch with us. Just remember, you are special to God. He loves you with an everlasting love. Our desire is to be God’s hands and feet reaching out in love to you, in any way we can. We are a local assembly that seeks to be in the center of God’s will.

​Mission Statement

Preaching and teaching God’s word to bring salvation, healing, deliverance and to equip God’s people with knowledge and skills for service and personal well being.


  1. To preach the Gospel for the salvation of souls
  2. To teach the word of God so that people may be able to live fulfilled lives.
  3. To train and equip Christians with knowledge and skills for the work of the ministry
  4. To encourage and support Christians (where possible) to acquire education and skills for development and service to others


    1. Sunday services
    2. Home Bible Fellowships
    3. Evangelism, school outreach crusades, music & Drama films, Prison ministry, Hospital ministry and door to door (personal evangelism)


  1. Evangelism through crusades, films, door to door, music and drama
  2. To expand the church building capacity to accommodate: Increasing size of the congregation; and Inter-church activities like conferences, seminars and weddings
  3. Organizing local and inter church seminars
  4. Organizing retreats for leaders
  5. Having Sunday school/ discipleship classes for all age groups
  6. Organizing training seminars for church workers
  7. Home bible fellowship (home cells)
  8. Establish a Christian Primary school
  9. Acquire equipment like a public address system, generator, VCR projector and screen for films, mini-bus and a computer

Upcoming events

Women's Conference
Theme: Women of Destiny
Women's Conference
Theme: Women of Destiny
Children's X-mas Party